Saturday, January 28, 2017

Napolean Dynamite

I have no idea how to review this film. It got quite a few uncomfortable laughs out of me, and it was just so bizarre and pitiful at times, you just wonder how these characters function from minute to minute, much less from scene to scene. Having a lead character whose mouth is pretty much agape all the time, while looking down in most scenes was just stressful and uninvolving. Napolean is pretty crabby, and a dorkish personality, and there's no pretense to make him all that sympathetic, which was refreshing. Oddly enough, it made him more 3-dimensional, though his personality is flat and oddly harsh at times.

The strange friendship between Napolean and Pedro has to be one of the most low energy friendships ever captured on film. Napoleon's courtship of Deb also qualifies as one low-ebb connection, so odd, indeed. Napolean's brother and his uncle also provide some awfully strange subplots.

Did I laugh during this film? Yes. I just can't tell if I was laughing at the film, or with the film.

I give it 2.5 stars, or a grade of C+.

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