Saturday, January 28, 2017

Million Dollar Baby

In a totally crowded theater I watched this film, drenched in its humanity and humor like a fighter in between rounds being wiped down, taking in numerous jabs to the body and mind. I bobbed and weaved along with the rhythmic feints and punches. The film dances with you, pulls you in, jabs back, you push forward, it draws you in more, and gives you a roundhouse right you never see coming. But after the stars fade away, you're left with a story of hope, perserverance, and second chances.

Clint Eastwood, Hilary Swank, and Morgan Freeman all turn in wonderful performances. They inhabit their characters, and the story is about these characters, their drive, their foibles, their insecurities, their past, their inner demons, their hopes, and their dreams.

Eastwood's direction is tight, taut, on-target, nary an errant frame is introduced, and the screenplay is also up to the task at moving the story along at the pace it deserves, while providing a framework in which the 3 main characters are allowed room to pursue their dreams in spite of the obstacles in their paths.

I give it 4 stars, or a grade of A. A cinematic knockout!

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