Sunday, January 29, 2017

Revenge of the Sith

While the world of Star Wars was more than amazing, the main thing I didn't like was Hayden Christensen's acting in the 1st and 2nd act, as the one-on-one scenes just laid flat on the screen. The cringe-inducing dialogue was just poor because it didn't feel natural, but rather forced because of all the burden from having to bridge the history between the OT and the PT together. The film is a lot better in the final act where the action is almost non-stop, and the acting is better and dialogue is minimal enough not to induce more cringing from me. There were some inconsistencies in the film w/r/t the rest of the OT, but I'll save those for the discussion thread.

For now, I'm going to give it 2.75 stars or a grade of B- (mainly for the last act because I'd grade the earlier acts a C for uninvolving sequences that felt perfunctionary and stilted.)

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