Saturday, January 28, 2017


I suggest the alternate title to "Alexander" be "Welcome to Master Over-acting Thespian Theatre".

OMG, I thought I was forewarned as to the suckitude that is this movie, but I was wrong. Yes, I stayed for all 3 hours, probably the minimal optimist in me playing a dastardly trick on me.

The film does do such a poor job in setting up the crew of supporting characters that nothing that happens towards the last hour resonates at all because they are just there to make Alexander's life miserable, but the viewer has no idea why they should care about the supporting characters, or their motivation besides the superficial one.

The accents are all over the place, Colin Farrell tries to flatten out his Irish accent, but it just comes off sounding Irish, but stilted. Angelina Jolie does more of a strange slavic/Russian type of accent that's so out of place, it's like she's from a different movie and stumbled onto the "Alexander" set by accident. I have no idea what Rosario Dawson was going for with that accent she attempted to sound exotic and eastern.

The early battle scenes are pretty chaotic and nutty against a dusty backdrop, and the even nuttier battle scenes in the last hour in the woods is just bizarre and even more baffling in some respects.

The acting is so over-the-top and gag-inducing, the movie is overwrought, and overly long. The story is presented with little in terms of flow, and there is a flashback is so oddly placed, the structure of the narrative gets undermined. Since the supporting characters aren't developed all that well, the drive of such grand ambition by Alexander never gives the endeavor of conquering eastward the world any real true worth, it gets reduced to a "well, because he can" affirmation of his worth as a king.

Unless you need the sleep, stay away from this movie.

I give it 1.5 stars, or a grade of D+.

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