Tuesday, January 31, 2017

The Island

In 3 pretty distinct acts, Bay borrows liberally the most in the second act, which is an insane chase sequence

Warning Spoiler!
that pays homage to The Matrix Reloaded and Return of the Jedi
, and I couldn't help but laugh at the frenetic nuttiness on the screen. Say what you what about Bay's directorial efforts, at least the money spent shows up on the screen.

The film never quite has the balls to asks the really tough questions, given the subject matter, and sort of glosses over them in lieu of our 2 protagonist going on the run (some of it reminded me of Logan's Run on steroids). There are a few headscratching moments in the 3rd act, and while visually kinetic, it is more style over substance once again.

This is a popcorn movie, do leave your brain at the door (you really won't need it), and strap in, and try to have a little fun with the big action sequences. Oh, be prepared to see tons of product placement in this film, it got comical after a while for me.

I give it 2 stars, or a grade of C.

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