Tuesday, January 31, 2017


I'm of two minds on this film. The 1st and 2nd acts of this film are funny, engaging, sexy, and mortifying for the Meryl Streep character, of course played for even more laughs at the pathos involved as a therapist with a patient who's dating her son (unbeknownst to the patient for longer than it should have gone on). The last act gets more serious, a little bit cliched, a little forced in almost covering all the bases of what can go wrong with May-December romances (this time, it's an older woman, younger man-child). I think it's about 5-10 minutes too long overall (even though it doesn't quite develop the supporting cast as human beings, but moreso as comic relief), but still, it's got a nice rhythm in wringing out a lot of the comedic aspects from the central plot/hook of the film.

I did like the chemistry between Bryan Greenberg and Uma Thurman. Uma's pretty good letting the audience into her character's feelings and anxiety, and she still looks great for her "age". Streep is comedy gold in the early goings, but she still keeps on a maternal course in wanting the best for her son, even if it's not quite what she's suggest in her role as a therapist.

I give it 2.75 stars, or a grade of B-.

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