Tuesday, January 31, 2017


Director Marc Forster follows up "Finding Neverland" with a strange, trippy little film called "Stay. You can see his directorial style all throughout the film, and the scene transitions are pretty fun and interesting, but the storyline is flawed in some ways, and the story isn't as interesting as the directorial effort that went into the film. Visually, it's a film that requires a couple of viewing to soak up all the information within the camera frame, but I would think the subsequent viewings would also command some focus because of the deficiency in the storyline itself.

The acting was good, proficient, but since the film comes across as a directorial exercise, that's why the acting feels secondary to the material, and I don't find fault in the choices made by the main trio of Ryan Gosling, Ewan McGregor, and Naomi Watts.

I recommend it as a matinee if you're in the mood for taking in the visuals that this film offers.

I give it 2.75 stars, or a grade of B-.

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