Tuesday, January 31, 2017

The Legend of Zorro

Suffice it to say, I liked the kid, Joachin, for his spunk and energy, moreso than the rest of the cast for this movie, I'm afraid.

It tries its best to feel like one of those old fashioned Saturday matinee adventure serials, but whatever spark that Banderas and Zeta-Jones had in the first installment, it's waned considerably in the sequel. I had a hard time making out what Banderas was muttering in the early portions of the film as Zorro, but the stunts and actions were pretty nifty, but not enough to sustain an overly long film.

Oh, if you want to see how botox can kill an actress's ability to emote facially, just watch Catherine Zeta-Jones in this film, I can't believe she's won an Oscar after seeing her in this movie.

I give it 2 stars, or a grade of C.

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