Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Chronicles of Narnia

I thought the first act was probably overly long, but the middle act wasn't long enough. It would seem the children just accept their prophetic destiny and almost overnight become capable of waging Braveheart-like battle (at least for Peter, the oldest). The final act had some nice battles of mainly CGI creatures and characters, but for a film aimed at children, at least the bloodshed was held to a minimum, but it was savage, nonetheless, I was sort of surprised to find out it was only rated PG.

The child actors are very good in their respective roles, and the CGI characters were acceptable, though sometimes Aslan looked a little bit less sharp when humans were the shot with him. I didn't like the direction as much as I had hoped. I felt that the director could have chosen better angles for some of the scenes.

But even with some of the misgivings of the pacing of the film, I give it 3 stars, or a grade of B.

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