Sunday, January 29, 2017

Fever Pitch

This film was a like Valentine given to passionate baseball fans, and of course, the object of that affection and passion is the Boston Red Sox.

Fallon (Ben) and Barrymore (Lindsey) have cute chemisty together (though not as good as Sandler and Barrymore), and for the most part, you buy their relationship along with that big white elephant in the room (Ben's passion for the Red Sox). The humor is more on the chuckle and laugh-with-them variety, not something that you'd expect from the directing team of the Farrelly Brothers, but they were well-restrained with the unsightly gags, and concentrated on the story at hand, capturing a sweet romance in spite of a man's obsession for the Red Sox.

It's a nice film to catch as we enter the start of the 2005 Major League Baseball season.

I give it 3 stars, or a grade of B.

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