Saturday, January 28, 2017


I had reservations going into this film, and the first 10-15 minutes of the film was uninspired and dull, but then it takes off during the "Yazz Flute" scene and gets kicked it into another gear, and produced a lot of laughs for me throughout the rest of the movie.

Don't go in expecting a tightly plotted comedy, and you won't be let down. I literally was slapping my knee and laughing heartily at many of the scenes in this movie. Will Ferrell's Ron the achorman could have easily been a dullard and uninteresting, but Ferrell's antic keep the laughs coming during Ron's stressful times, and adds just enough character growth to be sympathetic in the end. The Brick character (an insanely stupid weatherman) should have been one-note and lackluster in concept, but he just got funnier and funnier as the movie progressed. There is an interesting homage to West Side story in the movie, and it proved to be very amusing (though a bit graphic as it played out).

I give it 3 stars, or a grade of B.

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