Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

I found the film uneven, and the direction simply uninspiring. I really missed Cuaron's direction in the 4th HP film. In terms of character interaction, Cuaron creates cinema, Newell creates made-for-afternoon TV material. I also thought that this film just lacked scope and depth, I blame that on the screenplay and the director.

Ron is almost overboard as the whiny jealous guy, and Hermione doesn't show much character growth from the previous films. Harry continues to be such an improbably passive character, it can be daunting at times because I never get the feeling that Harry is anything more than a plot device to get us from the 3rd film to the 5th film with this 4th installment of the HP franchise.

Also, for a film that covers the school year, it seems so grey and dank throughout the year-long 3-phase contest for a place in Hogsworth history.

Just one trivial nitpick - why does Harry keep his glasses on underwater?

I give it 2.5 stars, or a grade of C+.

(P.S. I've never read the books, so I look at the HP films simply in terms of cinematic adaptations with no literary baggage, just previous film baggage)

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