Saturday, January 28, 2017

King Arthur

This film suffered from inadequate setup, an uninvolving first act, that sprung into a second act that was slow moving, but got a bit better, and finally when we get to the 3rd act, the action is ramped up, but if you never get too attached to the characters, you don't get invested in the outcome as much either.

I'm not sure I've ever seen an action sequence like I did in the middle of the film. While it was cool, it was also clumsily staged and conveyed to the audience. As a viewer, I got a little lost in the action in terms of spacing for the conflict.

The last battle scene in the 3rd act reminded me of The Knights of the Roundtable teaming up with the Smurfs to ward off the Saxons to gain a foothold in Britain.

I give it 2.5 stars, or a grade of C+.

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