Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Spider-Man 2

Just got back from the midnight showing of Spider-Man 2. It was great to attend it with such an attentive crowd who was totally into this film.

Delving deeper into the sacrifice and psyche of Spider-Man and Peter Parker, the film shows us that the life of a super-hero isn't all that glamourous, but the call to duty and responsibility can't be ignored, regardless of personal ambition and desire.

I had some quibbles with the CGI, it reminded me of the Burly Brawl quality from The Matrix Reloaded when Spidey and Doc Ock were fighting each other, but it was still great to see some amazing comic book fights brought to life on the big screen with such ferocity and speed and power.

There are aspects of this film that call to mind Superman II, and the parallels of how Peter Parker tries to balance his Spider-Man persona and his Peter Parker persona. This film earns the emotional payoff in the 3rd act, and leaves the audience wanting more.

What more could you want in a sequel?

I give it 4 stars, or a grade of A.

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