Sunday, January 22, 2017


My one word review: Ponderous.

Not everyone is going like this film. It's annoying to watch for the first 80 minutes. I get the whole metaphysical-ness of who are we-ness notion. But I found it clumsily brought to the background (because it never does show up in the foreground). What is that spark that we find in another that completes us, and in the same breath, has the capacity to cut us to the quick? Is it a state of mind? Is it a physical/chemical/biological thing? Is it none of the above? Is it all of the above. Is love perfect or meant to be imperfect? What would you risk for love? What are you willing to give up to be with the one who's left you? Those are issues presented, but in such an understated manner, many audience members will not quite grasp the undertones for such issues, nor care about them because of the characters aren't really characters, but more like symbolic in their roles of the tale. I think I grokked it, but I didn't care for the presentation of it.

Go see it only if you're in a serious mood, and not too tired.

I give it 2.75 stars or a grade of B-.

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