Sunday, November 29, 2009

Punch-drunk Love

My 2 word review: Seriously Whimsical.

I found the characters to be archetypes, not very fleshed out, but what's good about it is that PT Anderson has finally figured out the meaning of "economy" and cuts right to the essence of these archetypes for the characters in the film. No longer does Anderson feel the need to fill in all the gory character details that either lead to a meandering narrative, or turns characters into unsympathetic ones.

In P-DL, Anderson has found a way to cut to the emotion of the given moment of when love blooms against all odds to bring Barry and Leena together. Each of these 2 characters takes chances in finding love in spite of their psychological patterns and ruts, all for the slim hope of finding that one person, right or wrong, to share in each other's lives.

Throughout the first half of the film, Anderson even sets up a reaction that he wisely sidesteps because it shows the maturation of Barry by not "going there".

There are many visuals in the film that will creep into your subconscious once you see it, and you can see some good directorial choices at work here.

Also, Anderson has fun putting a camera in shots where reflections might give the camera away, but it never does.

All in all, it's a rather odd film, but you come away with the feeling that the emotional content given off by the characters are true and honest, even f they aren't very well fleshed out in terms of heavy characterizations.

I give it 3.5 stars, or a grade of B+.

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