Sunday, January 22, 2017

Gangs of New York

I usually don't like films set in the 18th and 19th century, but Martin Scorsese made New York City during the Civil War come alive and accessible.

The perfomances by Daniel Day-Lewis and Leonardo DiCaprio are top notch, and the supporting cast does very well in this drama. The direction and camerawork is also very very well done. For a film that runs over 160 minutes, it moves pretty briskly because of the interaction between characters is very compelling to watch. Films like this scream to be seen on the big screen at the theater. There are minor quibbles to be found in the film (pacing and progression of the plot can be a little too pragmatic if you scrutinize it really closely), but the emotions it evokes from the audience is undeniable. There are quite a few very powerful scenes that have good build-up and the resolutions are never quite what you expect.

I give it 3.5 stars, or a grade of B+.

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