Sunday, January 22, 2017

Catch Me If You Can

I was sort of bored by the structure of the film, even though it does a good job of recreating the 1960's, a time where a lot of this was indeed possible, but nowadays, it it wouldn't make for as entertaining story.

I think the problem with the film is that the characters seem much more 2-dimensional than they should. But the acting is good overall with both Dicaprio and Hanks doing a good job with the material they are given.

Also, I wasn't all that crazy about the blown-out back lighting of a lot of the scenes in the film. I know it was a stylistic choice, but it didn't really serve the story for me.

I also think the film is too long (140 minutes is too long for the subject matter of the film, I think 20-30 minutes could've been trimmed while retaining the resolution of the film).

I give it 2.75 stars, or a grade of B-.

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