Monday, January 23, 2017

Better Luck Tomorrow

The irony of Asian teenagers using their brains in not-so-legit enterprises to raise not only cash, but self-esteem, power and popularity, is on full display in this film. The idea that supply and demand can be profited from the trafficking of information is simply a portents of life after the high school years. The 4 main characters in the film have a "Lord of the Flies" feel to them, and together they are a force, and apart, the engine simply doesn't run well.

The storytelling is done well, but there's some camerawork that has that "everything...and the kitchen sink" feel to it (meaning, some shots were probably a good idea in theory, but should have been cut out for a better, simpler, shot without all the fancy "look at me" camerawork that didn't add much to the scenes).

The acting is good all around, and the main character of Ben is the most developed in terms of character. The other characters are a little shortchanged, but are sufficient to drive the narrative to where it finally ends up.

It's definitely not a film you'd see being put out by Hollywood, but its point of view and the light it shines of human nature is well worth the effort to find a nearby theater playing the film.

I give it 3 stars, or a grade of B.

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