Monday, January 23, 2017

Bend It Like Beckham

Pretty good film, and good use of the title as a metaphor for reaching for something extra to get you over the hump of complacency and familiar expectations.

Don't let the "formulaic" labels being applied to the film prevent you from checking it out because it does many things so very well, and it will put a big smile on your face and a very engaging tale of following your dreams in spite of the odds. And don't forget to stay for the credits, they are also very humorous.

Just a FYI, the actress playing Jules is Keira Knightley, who will be featured in the upcoming "Pirates of the Carribean", and among the trivia-minded, was the actress who played the decoy queen in The Phanton Menace. It took me a while to even put her face with her previous work, and to me, she could also pass for a taller, more athletic version of Natalie Portman (with the requisite blond hair). She's got very good screen presence.

Parminder Nagra does a very nice job playing Jess, peppering her performance with very honest emotions/reactions to the situations (on the field and off the field) she finds herself once she starts playing on a female football (soccer) team unbeknownst to her family.

The supporting cast of parents is quite funny in their own little ways, in the face of societal and familial hurdles that come from their daughters' love for football(soccer) while eskewing the more conventional life they so desire for their children because they know no better.

I give it 3 stars, or a solid grade of B for Beckham.

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