Monday, January 23, 2017

X-Men 2

I thought it was a good overall followup to the first film. The fight sequences were intense, but hampered by the PG-13 rating and quick edits, so I was okay with the action scenes.

The character moments tended to drag the narrative down just a bit, but when the action got cranked back up, the screen comes alive with plenty of energy.

For such a long running time (around 135 minutes), I thought we got less plot than we should have, so I feel just a little cheated in that department.

The special effects were pretty good all around, and I dug the realization of Knightcrawler's "BAMF!" sound effect during the display of one of his primary talents. Magneto got in many good lines in the film.

I did think the writers had a fun time finding ways to use many of the characters' powers in everyday use and during combat.

If you're a fan of the first film, I don't think you'll be disappointed.

I give it 3 stars, or a grade of B.

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