Monday, January 23, 2017

The Quiet American

I missed this film when it was playing in theaters earlier this year, but thanks to DVD, I got to see it this weekend. I didn't find a thread dedicated to the film (rather, reviews were buried in the Film List threads).

For all the Oscar buzz and hype, I think the film delivered, and Michael Caine was pretty darn good in it, as was Brendan Fraser. I saw the fim not knowing much about it, but came away learning much more, and poking around the DVD gave me more insight into the history of Vietnam and the US's relationship with it for the last half of the 20th century.

One of the pluses is that the film isn't overly long, it stays true to the story, and doesn't go off on wild tangents. This helps in sustaining viewer interest as the story unfolds and concludes. Check it out if you get a chance.

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