Monday, January 23, 2017

The Core

"The Core" is your basic roller coaster ride of a movie. The premise is that the earth's core has stopped spinning, and for mankind to continue to live on the planet, the core needs to be re-started. This is the story of 6 people in a ship that can cut through just about anything on a journey to the center of the world to jump start the planet.

The setup is pretty decent, though leave your physics aptitude at the door. For a 2 hour film, it doesn't drag all that much, and the performances range from dry (Hilary Swank) to cartoonishly entertaining (Stanley Tucci).

If you are in the mood for a no-brainer kind of film, "The Core" may be just up your alley.

I give it 2.75 stars, or a grade of B- for knowing what kind of film it wanted to be.

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