Saturday, January 28, 2017

Priness Diaries 2

Okay, I'll step up on the plate give a quick review of this followup to 2001's "The Princess Diaries".

I liked this film mainly for the characters, and their interaction with each other, plus there are many "throwaway" bits that made me laugh and contribute to the overall tone of the film. Many of the smaller roles produce good laughs (the maids, and the royal court "yeller") throughout the movie.

While not the most original of plots, I found the characters being more earnest and real enough to feel their pain and joy, director Gary Marshall finds a way for the audience to gain a foothold with the characters, and creates empathy for them.

Anne Hathaway has nice screen presence, and a nice comedic flair that seldom fails to amuse me. Julie Andrews and Hector Elizondo are good, but conflicted in their supporting roles due to the plotline, and a few characters from the first film also make their way to this followup.

I give it 3 stars, or a grade of B.

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