Monday, January 23, 2017

Once Upon A Time in Mexico

This film is short on character development, and plot development. Things happen, but how you get from point A to B to C are not quite explained, which leads to a lot of stuff happening, but not cohesively so. While the macro-story is far too big and unwieldy for the short run-time of the film, the character bits are lacking (though Depp does gets to chew the scenery in an understated style).

There are many loud explosive scenes, and slow-motion shots of bodies being sent into the air after being riddled by gun shoots. The problem is that there is not much of an emotional connection when someone gets shoot or killed in the film. The musical score is bombastic (in an overdone fashion) in many scenes, much to the fault of the director who also scored the film.

I give it 2 stars, or a grade of C.

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