Wednesday, January 25, 2017


I liked the opening 20-30 minutes of the movie. The animators of Garfield did a pretty fun job of bringing Garfied to the big screen as a CGI-character. I laughed a lot at the cat-related humor (cat aficionados will like the movie more than non-cat aficionados). The use of Bill Murray's voice as Garfield worked for me. The singing numbers also made use of Murray's penchant for lounge singing. The dancing sequences were funny to me.

The humans in the film have pretty thankless roles, and are pretty much the props that propel the paper-thin plot forward. Don't expect much from Breckin Myer or Jennifer Love Hewitt, they are just part of the scenery, for the most part. But the interplay between John and Garfield did garner some laughs from me from time to time.

Once the "plot" gets going, it gets a bit too "serious" and the fun factor seems to dry up quick. The ending can't quite elevate the film from being kiddie fare, but I've seen less funnier comedies, so it wasn't all bad.

I give it 2 stars or a grade of C.

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