Sunday, January 22, 2017

City of God

I don't think there's a single wasted frame in this film, the narrative is compelling, tight, and flat out engrossing as hell. I simply forgot about the running time of the film because I found myself caught up in the story wholeheartedly, and could not look away from the screen one second.

The film, while being over 130 minutes long, moves quickly and provides entertaining background vignettes of the gaggle of characters that come in and out of the story. There was, for me, plenty of black comedy all throughout the film, and it is able to keep the more serious tone of the material at hand, and then sprinkle in the slice of life comedic moments that display human nature rather primally throughout the film.

The film is not for the faint of heart, and there quite a bit of violence and gunplay, but the story is well told and riveting. If you have the stomach for the violence, you will be rewarded with a rich, viewing experience that you'll not forget for a long time to come.

I give it 4 stars, or a grade of A.

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