Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Chronicles of Riddick

I think Riddick was the problem with the film because his character is just too two-dimensional, and the quips don't quite flow well enough for me to really "get" Riddick.

The sets, and the effects were nice eye candy, I liked the designs of the ships and locales on different planets.

The pacing of the plot left a bit to be desired, it's just too haphazardly done in many spots.

I didn't quite get really into the Necromonger (the antagonists) either. Perhaps not enough menace in such a conquering force of the galaxy. Of course, for me, the problems of conquering any lands is that pre-occupation is the bigger headache than the actual conquering. Oh well.

I give it 2.5 stars, or a grade of C+.

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