Thursday, February 2, 2017


I left the theater not really knowing how I felt about this film because it left me with a fatalistic streak internally because its 2 main themes: one being of how vengeance can claim one's soul even if it appears to be rightful retribution from the onset, and the other being when will peace ever truly prevail among nations. Spielberg gives no easy answers, and just lays out a case for us to ponder based on the events of the Munich massacre and a possible (inspired by true events, we are told) response by the Israeli government.

The film makes its points quite clearly at times, but then it overstays its welcome and lingers around in a repetitive cross-off-the-list plotline that failed to fully engage me to the bitter end. I didn't really feel for either the protagonists or the laundry list of antagonists, they are all just cogs in the machinery of maintaining land and security amongst groups all acting in their own perceived best interests, damn the costs, direct or indirect to one another.

Could this have been a great film, maybe, but given its subject matter, it needed to be tightened up a bit, and the last act needs some work as well.

I give it 3 stars, or a grade of B.

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