Tuesday, February 28, 2017


Mark Wahlberg headlines this new addition to the criminal heist genre, with Chris (Wahlberg) and his gang being really good at smuggling stuff into the country, but trying to go straight until his brother-in-law forces Chris to go back to his smuggling ways one more time to settle a score and save the brother-in-law from harm.  Getting back into the swing of things proves to be a little challenging, but Chris and his buddy Sebastian (Ben Foster) overcome obstacles, while the final act deals with a dumb lovestruck subplot with Sebastian having the hots for Chris's wife (Kate Beckingsale).   The other weak point is Giovanni Ribisi, who plays the ditziest bad guy on the big in quite a while, fairly not believable in the villain role in this film.

I give it 2.75 stars, or a grade of B-.

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