Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Straw Dogs

Kate Bosworth plays a small town girl, where high school football ruled the day, who makes it "small" in Hollywood, but married a writer (James Marsden) and they come back to her small town to stay at her deceased father's place to do some writing and remodeling. To help with roofing a barn, they hire some former football stars who don't really have the best work ethic, and after a while the film turns into this what-if situation to "Friday Night Lights" where all the former high school football stars were truly dumb as bricks and acted like savages when opportunities present themselves. Alex Skarsgard is football jock who still has an attraction Bosworth's character (and she doesn't mind running around in the bare minimums of clothing, further stoking the fires of former flames.) James Woods is the retired football coach who thinks he's still running the football program, and he's got a daughter who has a weird attraction to the town's mentally challenged dude, and the coach is always trying to keep them apart.

Not sure what to make of this movie, as motivationally speaking, it's almost preposterous as to where the film goes in its final act, but it does feature some decent death scenes.

I give it 2 stars or a grade of C.

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