Sunday, February 26, 2017


The casting of the large cast of characters was pretty good, though I'm not sure I liked all of the direction by Branaugh (mainly the action sequences, and the angles used for the shots). There is some funny comedic moments sprinkled in the first half of the film. The film sags in the middle, and it sort of muddles to a conclusion, but without enough familial resonance for my tastes (the Odin-Thor-Loki relationship just fell flat for me). The script sort of limps to the finish line as well, so it was just okay, not great. The script also tries to balance the goings-on for the subplots on Earth and Asgard, and doesn't quite feel like a finished script in spots. Asgard felt antiseptic to me, too much so. But even so, it's still worth seeing on the big screen, but I doubt it's all that necessary to see it in 3D (I only saw it in 2D).

I give it 2.75 stars or a grade of B- (some parts get a B, but not all of it).

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