Tuesday, February 28, 2017


Andrew has an abusive father, and decides to basically film his existence starting with his senior year in high school.  Andrew and his cousin Matt, along with a high school acquaintance, Steve, go spelunking in a hole in the ground near the grounds of a high school party.  The camera comes in handy in telling the story of what happened to those 3 students when they found something not of this earth, and black out, only to wake up with telekinetic powers.  Not everyone in the group has finesse with their new powers, Andrew has far better control than Matt.  Steve is more athletic, and finds more active use of his powers. The script is quite clever in using Andrew's new-found powers for interesting camerawork, and spares us the shaky-cam-ness that afflicted "Cloverfield".

I wish the film was a little smarter in the final act, but overall, still a compelling film of young adults dealing with their new-found telekinesis.

I give it 3 stars, or a grade of B.

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