Thursday, February 2, 2017

Fun with Dick and Jane

Thankfully, the funny bits are not just what's featured in the trailer. But comedy is subjective, so if you like Jim Carrey comedies, or Judd Apatow screenplays (this was co-written with 2 other writers), you'll get some laughs from it.

There are some good laughs, mainly in the 2nd act of the film, just stuff that struck me funny (and many people in the audience). Jim Carrey does get to cut loose here and there, and the brisk pace of the film works to its advantage. The conclusion (don't forget to read the dedication credit which formed the inspiration for the film) did not overstay its welcome and everything ended up as well as it could given the state of Dick and Jane's affairs.

I give it 2.75 stars, or a grade of B-.

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