Sunday, February 26, 2017


I was not overly impressed by "Hanna", but I think it comes down to Joe Wright films in general for me, they seems to leave me cold and uninvolved, and "Hanna" is no different.  With the basic plot of teenager Hanna (Saoirse Ronan) being raised in remote isolation in Germany by her father Erik (Eric Bana) until she is ready for the outside world, but she's been trained to be a survivor ready to counter forces ready to do her harm.  Hanna and her father make a run for it with separately journeys to an agreed upon destination in order to reintegrate into the normal world.  On their scent is Marissa Wiegler (Cate Blanchette), a CIA spook who has a stake in finding them after all these years.

There are some good fight choregraphy scenes without the million and one edits, so you get a good idea of what's going on (though Hanna's fight scenes left me somewhat unconvinced of her fighting acumen, but I suppose her age and slight build had her would-be assailants underestimating her).  Joe Wright is a good director, but his style just doesn't click with me.  The score by the Chemical Brothers was far too intrusive to my liking, jarring at times at odds with the story unfolding.  Oh, and running, lots of running and chase scenes.

I give it 2.75 stars, or a grade of B-.

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