Sunday, February 26, 2017

The Conspirator

On the footsteps of the assassination of Abraham Lincoln comes the hunt for not only the shooter, but those who helped him with the deadly deed.  "The Conspirator" deals with the swift call for justice on any and all possible conspirators tried in a military tribunal, not civilian court.  James McAvoy plays Frederick Aiken, a war hero and young lawyer put in place to defend Mary Surratt (Robin Wright) - the lone female amongst the other alleged co-conspirators, albeit without vigor nor zeal.  The more Aiken digs into the case, the more he uncovers, and his certainty of Mary's guilt becomes shaken.

Robert Redford directed this film, and there is painstaken attention paid to the look and feel of the mid-1860s, but the film has this one-note tone to it, and failed to engage me.  But if you're a history buff, it's worth a matinee viewing.

I give it 2.5 stars, or a grade of C+.

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