Sunday, February 26, 2017

Captain America: The First Avenger

I wish Joe Johnston wasn't the director for this film, as it's just dull and paint-by-numbers movie-making.  Chris Evans has charisma to spare, and yet he is really lifeless in this film, and I blame Johnston's direction on Evans' performance.  There are no surprises, no suspense.  It's just 'there'.  The script is boring. There are no dramatic decisions, just automaton-like plot point after plot point as the film rolled on.

I also wish they'd use film camera instead of digital video cameras  because this film set in WWII was screaming for it.  As it looked with super-clean non-film look, it was just too "video-like" and looked too "current".  Bad choice, but I'm sure it was cheaper shooting on digital video.

I give it 2.5 stars, or a grade of C+.

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