Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close

Oscar Schell (Thomas Horn) lost his father in the 9/11 attacks on the WTC.  Oscar had a good father (Tom Hanks) who piqued Oscar's native curiousity about the world with scavenger hunts.  The aftermath of his father's untimely demise left him with a key and the last name of "Black".  In order to find what his father might have left for him, Oscar embarks on a search for the right person, and he comes across a wide array of people on this final scavenger hunt with his father. 

While Stephen Daldry's direction is solid, the film feels a little long, and Oscar's is somewhat likable, ernest, yes, with a slightly headstrong streak which doesn't quite endear himself to everyone who crosses his path.  Sandra Bulloch plays Oscar's mother, and it's a fairly small, but important role.  The same could be said about Max von Sydow's role as a mute renter of Oscar's grandmother's apartment. Oscar pretty much carries the film on his shoulders with his travels across New York City.

I give it 2.75 stars, or a grade of B-.

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