Sunday, February 26, 2017

Horrible Bosses

I'm enjoying the resurgence of R-rated comedies, and "Horrible Bosses" had a slow build-up at times, but the last half-hour was very fun and engaging.

Basic premise: 3 friends with horrible boss situations at their workplace, and one night over dinner/drinks, the idea of how much better their lives would be if their bosses were out of the picture at work comes about, and this gets the film's plot going.  Lots of  humor from their incompetence in putting their plan into action is put to good use.   The script probably fired off a few too many F-bombs early on, but the dialogue gets betters as the film rolls on.

Charlie Day, Jason Sudeikis and Jason Bateman are the 3 amigos, and horrible bosses include Kevin Spacey (over-controlling CEO with jealousy issues), Jennifer Aniston (a nice bundle of sexual harrassment), and Colin Farrell (sporting quite the combover and insensitivity traits).  The entire cast plays off one another quite well, though the directing could have been tighter, and the script could have been leaner with profanity - I don't mind profanity, but it's best used with clever intent, and not bludgeoned with it just because the film is R-rated).

I give it 2.75 stars, or a grade of B-

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