Tuesday, February 28, 2017

My Week with Marilyn

"My Week with Marilyn" is a film featuring the memoirs of Colin Clark, who details the short time period in 1959 where, as a young man looking to make into the film industry in England, he somehow ended up working on the film set with Sir Laurence Olivier and Marilyn Monroe, and according to Clark's memoirs, he gets involved with Monroe for a spell.

It took a little getting used to Michelle Williams playing Marilyn Monroe, as she doesn't quite have the eyes of Monroe, but she does a credible job channelling the various facets of Monroe's personality, looks, speech patterns, and performance quality playing to the camera, all the while driving Olivier to the brink of madness due to her use of "The Method" yielding production stoppages and budget overruns, while he could easily rely on his years of theatrical training to bolster his film performances. And as the film wore on, she inhabits the role very well. Most likely Williams will get a best actress Oscar nomination for her work in this film, but I don't think she'll win.

The story itself is fairly breezy, almost fantasy-inspired, but it has enough humor and pathos to be enjoyable enough. Kenneth Branagh might also snag a best supporting actor Oscar nomination for his work, but not sure if it'll resonate with the academy.

I give it 2.75 stars, or a grade of B-.

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