Sunday, February 26, 2017

Madea's Big Happy Family

Given that this was a Madea movie, and not a "Tyler Perry tries to write serious stuff" movie, I checked it out, and while it is littered with medical warnings for his intended audience, and shines a light on the lack of parental fortitude producing disrespectful offspring, also deals with family interactions and long buried secrets to pump up familial drama and confrontations, it still manages to be funny if you enjoy the character that is Madea.  There are some insufferable characters that you were almost okay with Joe's "Choke-a-ho" anthem, and the movie is pretty much played broadly and farcical, even if there are some underlying moments of heart and clarity to be found in the end, although the ending is a buttonhook for another Madea movie to come, I would surmise.

I give it 2.5 stars, or a grade of C+.

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