Tuesday, February 28, 2017


I wanted to like "Contagion" more, as it features Steven Soderbergh at the directorial helm, and an Oscar-studded cast of winners and nominees. Overall, I think the script was too briskly paced, without as much background details to ground the story of a viral outbreak that threatens to reach pandemic levels. There are many players in the story, and the film just bounces from subplot to subplot (or character groupings) until it finally concludes. I didn't like the musical score, it tended to make the film feel too euro-pop-ish, public access station-ish at times, which didn't help things.

If you're a germophobe, this film won't help you with that condition. It'll make you think twice about touching any object out in contact with the general public.

I give it 2.75 stars, or a grade of B-.

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