Tuesday, February 28, 2017

The Muppets

A pretty solid movie about the relevance of the Muppets in today's world, and growing up and moving towards one's destiny, no matter how much it shakes up the status quo, growth requires confidence and support. Enjoyed all the time capsule-worthy nods to the past, the song numbers. Jason Segel clearly loves this stuff, even if his singing and dancing are average. Amy Adams felt a little too much like an acting version of the Stepford wives (just a little too "put on" in her scenes). It was good to see many of the Muppets back on the big screen. Chris Cooper's villainous turn was a little over-the-top, though.

I give it 3 stars, or a grade of B.

P.S. The Toy Story short at the beginning was also funny and enjoyable.

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