Sunday, February 26, 2017

Source Code

With a tagline of "Groundhog Day meets Quantum Leap", director Duncan Jones's next effort is "Source Code".  Jake Gyllenhaal is Colter Stevens, a military helicopter pilot involved in the Source Code project, which somehow allows Colter to go back and relive the last 8 minutes of someone's life before they died, and this happened on a train heading for Chicago, but the train explodes on the outskirts of town.  The project is tasked with trying to find the bomber through the source code simulations that Colter undergoes repeatedly through the , but through each iteration, he is able to piece information quicker and more effectively.  Michelle Monaghan plays Christina, the train passenger that Colter is directly involved with, though at a burgeoning point in their acquaintance.

The film itself is pretty entertaining through most of its running time, but the ending is a head-scratcher, almost too optimistic for my tastes.  I was taken by the divergent paths each iteration into the source code, it seemed almost too much of a reach within the confines of such simulations, but it's a movie, and I went with it willingly.

I give it 2.75 stars, or a grade of B-.

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