Sunday, February 26, 2017

Your Highness

I initially found "Your Highness" silly but fun.  Then I let it marinate for a day, and found it more silly than fun.  The script is a hodge-podge of the classical elements of the reluctant hero's journey set in medieval times, but the promise of hilarity missed its mark repeatedly, though there were some laughs mined from uncomfortable situations or profane gall, and they made use of the R rating through the trifecta of dropping F-bombs, boobs, and sexual situations.  Is there a good movie within a couple of re-writes, I'm not sure.

Natalie Portman's role was written far too straight, but I enjoyed her scenes, while the scenes with James Franco and Danny McBride were hit-or-miss, and the scenes featuring Justin Theroux and Zooey Deschanel played relatively flat most of the times.

Ironically the biggest laugh for me was almost a throwaway scene given its role in the film, it involved fairy dust.

I give it 2.5 stars, or a grade of C+.

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