Tuesday, February 28, 2017


Narratively a little weak, but many scenes are so gorgeous to stare at in this film. Saw it in 3D.

The story felt overly long in the first hour for its general plotline, and doesn't give enough information to develop the players in the story: humans (Theseus the good guy, Hyperion the conquering type, and other supporting folks), the gods (Zeus, Athena, Poseidon, and others), and Titans (just a bunch of dudes standing in a mythical prison cube for a long time). So carefully constructed sequences show up on the screen, but without proper character build-up for the players in the story, the action, while skillfully executed, fails to engage the viewer, and becomes a fine reel of artful EFX and composition.

Don't get me wrong, it's a beautiful film in many of the scenes, and it takes the viewer away to a place a long time ago where humans and gods engaged one another to fight the release of titans, who have the potential to bring the heavens down to earth and make it a very unpleasant place to be. I just wished it had a better script to engage the viewers with a more vested interest in the central conflict. I wanted more content of the gods and titans. The script relies too much on narration to fill in the gaps, to its detriment.

I give it 2.75 stars, or a grade of B-.

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