Friday, February 24, 2017

How to Train Your Dragon

I found "HTTYD" to take a little while to find its footing in the first act, plus, Jay Baruchel's voice sometimes comes across sounding like Christian Slater in spots, plus the heaping of pathetic-ness from the voice acting is a little much for the lead character of Hiccup, the frail son of Stoick, the leader of the Vikings.  That being said, the film does get better as it goes along, and its humor is derived from the time period that it takes place in, so you won't find it dated with pop cultural references upon a later viewing, and some of the bits of humor just come out of nowhere and really zing the funny bone. 

The design for the various dragons range from traditional to kind of weird and bloaty-looking.  I wasn't quite wowed by the set pieces or the look of the locales where film takes place.  The aerial sequences are quite fun to watch (I saw it in RealD 3D), and will entertain kids and adults alike.  I'm not sure I liked it better than Kung-Fu Panda, but it was still an entertaining film.

I give it 3 stars, or a grade of B.

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