Friday, February 24, 2017

Clash of the Titans

"Clash of the Titans" is dull.  As a remake of the campier version from the 1980s, it doesn't quite have much of a point of view, all the characters just show up and do their bit, but nothing rings true in terms of motivations, and the script is really an outline to get from one set piece to the next one.

The film is about Greek gods who aren't quite getting the love from mankind they were accustomed to in the past, so Zeus (the big kahuna played by Liam Neeson), along with his brother Hades (Ralph Fiennes looking ridiculous in his wig-piece), comes up with a plan to nudge their subjects into paying the proper reverence and respect to the gods, but as things would happen, Zeus had a dalliance with king Acrisius's wife, the by-product of such a union produced a demigod, Perseus.  The king was not in a forgiving mood, and sentence both his wife and the demigod to death.  Perseus survives, is found by a fisherman, raised by the fisherman and his wife, and later would be caught in the middle of the war between man and the gods, where man basically gives the god the middle finger, which was none too pleasing to the gods.  Perseus is brought to Argos via a ship on its way back from battling Hades' flying creatures, tasked with smacking down man.

We don't even find out how the people of Argos figured out Perseus could be a demigod, it's like there was a missing reel or something containing that plot point.  Anyhow, we are also introduced to Perseus's guiding presence, Io, who ends up serving as a Greek Wikipedia of legend and lore of the Greek gods, Io is such a clunky character/plot exposition device.  The film just sputters along, never gaining much in momentum, and the characters don't really elicit any interest from the film's audience, and the pacing is pretty spotty.  It's just a boring mess of a movie.

I give it 1.75 stars, or a grade of C-.

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