Thursday, February 2, 2017

The New World

This film does a good job of being a cinematic poem of sorts. It's all about visuals, inner thoughts, and emotions. The film engages you on a dreamy subconscious level, it does play with time to further mood and momentum of change at a frightful pace through the eyes of Pocahontas/Rebecca. In addition, the viewer is taken on a journey of what it was like to experience the cusp of such an important event in history as the Indians did when the ships of England show up on the shores of Virginia in 1607. "New World", indeed, is a film expressed with such assured cinematography and deliberate pacing. I wasn't as keen on the inner monologues at times, some of those scene felt over-written, but it's a minor offense given the tone and flavor of this tale of learning to be open to new change and challenges, even those that change the status quo forever.

I give it 3.75 stars, or a grade of A-.

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