Thursday, March 2, 2017

Captain Phillips

I also thought this film had some solid angles from a storytelling perspective to keep the flow of the film going with a brisk pace, while keeping the tension on high alert as Captain Phillips and his crew try to fend off Somalian boat pirates off the coast of Africa in 2009. Tom Hanks delivers yet another fine performance as Capt. Phillips, trying to keep his men alive while sailing through treacherous waters with a boat moving lots of containers of "stuff".

Director Greengrass handles the characterizations on both sides deftly, the Somalian boat pirates and the crew on the ship. While there is some shaky cam, when it's used, it's used to drive home the chaotic nature of certain scenes to amp up the drama and urgency. But I did not feel all that sea-sick from any of the shaky cam footage.

I give it 3 stars, or a grade of B.

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